Read Data

Read Data

There are two ways to retrieve data in Polybase DB.

  1. Fetch data once with .get()
  2. Listen for real time updates with .onSnapshot()

You can view our example apps Simple CRUD and Polybase DB Social to see it working in action.

Get a single record

You can read data once, by calling .record(id: string).get() on a collection.

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities");
async function getRecord () {
  const record = await collectionReference.record("id").get();
  // Get data from the record
  const { data } = record; // or const data =
  // Record is CollectionRecordResponse instance, so you can also get again to refresh
  const updatedRecord = record.get();

Listen for updates on a record

The .onSnapshot() handler is called on every update for the record after the write is confirmed.

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db
    (newDoc) => {
      // Handle the change
    (err) => {
      // Optional error handler

List records in a collection

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities");
export async function listRecords () {
  const records = await collectionReference.get();

Filter records

Filter records using where(name, op, value) filters. For single field where/sort clauses, you do not need to explicitly define your index.

Valid operators are:

  • == - Equals
  • > - Greater than
  • >= - Greater than or equal to
  • < - Less than
  • <= - Less than or equal to
import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities");
export async function listRecordsWithFilter () {
  const records = await collectionReference.where("country", "==", "UK").get();
  // Array of records is available under the data property
  const { data, cursor } = records;
  // Records is QueryResponse, so we can use it to get the next page of results

Collection filters

You can filter on a field of type Collection, by passing a Collection Record reference to the where clause. Only == is supported for collection filters.


Fields of type Collection must be indexed explicitly @index(collectionField).

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("NFT");
export async function listRecordsWithFilter () {
  const collectionRecord = collectionReference.record("user_id");
  const records = await collectionReference.where("user", "==", collectionRecord).get();
  // Array of records is available under the data property
  const { data, cursor } = records;
  // Records is QueryResponse, so we can use it to get the next page of results

You would need the following schema:

collection User {
  id: string;
collection NFT {
  id: string;
  user: User;

Multiple filters on different fields

In order to use multiple where or sort clauses, you must specify the corresponding indexes in your schema.

const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities");
const records = await collectionReference
  .where("name", "==", "abc")
  .where("country", "==", "UK")

You would need the following schema:

collection cities {
  name: string;
  country: string;
  @index(name, country);

If you want to order your results, you also need to include that in the index:

const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities");
const records = await collectionReference
  .where("name", "==", "abc")
  .sort("population", "desc")

You would need the following schema:

collection cities {
  name: string;
  country: string;
  population: number;
  @index(name, [population, desc]);

Multiple filters on the same field (starts with)

Multiple where clauses on the same field can only be applied for greater than/less than combinations (e.g. > or >= and < or <=).

Using the >= and < operators, you can filter records that start with a given prefix.

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities");
// Starts with UK
const startsWithUK = await collectionReference
  .where("country", ">=", "UK")
  .where("country", "<", "UK~")

Listen for updates on a collection

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("cities").onSnapshot(
  (newDoc) => {
    // Handle the change
  (err) => {
    // Optional error handler

You can also watch for changes on a filtered query.

const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db
  .where("country", "==", "UK")
    (newDoc) => {
      // Handle the change
    (err) => {
      // Optional error handler


You can paginate through your results using the cursor returned from the .get() method, or by using the built-in .next()

Pagination with cursor

Use the cursor response with .before() and .after() to paginate through collection data.

const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = await db.collection("cities");
// First page
const { data, cursor } = await collectionReference.get();
// Next page
const next = await collectionReference.after(cursor.after).get();
// Previous page
const previous = await collectionReference.before(cursor.before).get();

Pagination with next() or previous()

To simplify this process, a next() and previous() helper method is provided on the response.

const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = await db.collection("cities");
// First page
const first = await collectionReference.get();
// Next pages
const second = await;
const third = await;

Polybase DB Docs