Delete Data

Delete Data

To delete data on Polybase DB, you must implement a function on your collection that calls selfdestruct(). By convention, this should be a function called del().

You can view our example apps Simple CRUD and Polybase DB Social to see it working in action.

Define selfdestruct in Schema

The following provides an example of a delete function that only allows the owner of the record to delete it.

collection City {
  id: string;
  owner: PublicKey;
  constructor (id: string) { = id;
    this.owner = ctx.publicKey;
  del () {
    if (this.owner != ctx.publicKey) {
      throw error("You cannot delete this record");

Call delete from the SDK

You can now call the del() function:

import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client"
const db = new Polybase({ defaultNamespace: "your-namespace" });
const collectionReference = db.collection("City");
async function updateRecord () {
  const recordData = await collectionReference
    // the id of the record
    // call jsjsthe function you defined in your schema to delete a record

Polybase DB Docs